An update and hello!

I’ve had a lot going on behind the scenes, but it’s been a while since I’ve shared anything substantial online regarding my work.

I recently completed a 300hr Yoga Biomechanics training with Jules Mitchell. It was an incredible year spent studying pain science, the practice of savasana, connective tissue adaptation, breathing mechanics, somatic movement principles, all things nervous system, the pelvic floor, and so much more. A lot has changed in my world (both personally and professionally) in the last few years, but I’m feeling more centered in my own practice and teachings than ever before.

I also completed the Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist certification through Dr. Sarah Duval. This program has felt like a springboard to my own postpartum experience, and given so much context to my work teaching yoga and emphasizing breath and nervous system support.

I’m so jazzed about the wisdom of the body, pain science education, helping students move, breathe, and rest well, and an ongoing commitment to an embodied practice.

Add to all of that, my son is starting school this Fall and I’m eager to spend more time teaching, studying, and practicing (though I’m already mourning the shift in how much time we’ll spend together, as I write this post summer camp drop off where we both shed tears…).

Thanks for tuning in and caring about what’s happening in my world! I look forward to sharing more tools and teachings with you soon.


A calm nervous system?